Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Visiting Maktok and Tokwan

It was early June and I took 2 days off from work to go back to Kedah.  Tokwan and Maktok were not doing fine.  Both were always gloomy nowadays.  So, I hoped our visit helped to make their day.

This was on our last day.  A picture (a few actually) with them both is a must before we leave.  Tareeq didn't join us this time because he's in PSDC now.

Tokwan is on crutches.  He has knee problems since 1996 and can't stand up straight.  The problem started during the days I was in labour for Tareeq (between 23-25 May 1996). He's still able to drive his car and always go out on a date with Maktok - by 'always' I mean every day, morning and evening.  They have their favourite cafes and food courts that they frequent and the hawkers seem to already know them.

'Girls only' session.

The mattresses were ready to be kept back in storage.  Maktok is wheelchair bound because her right leg was amputated in 2010 due to diabetes.   She wears a prosthetic leg from time to time but she's mostly uncomfortable in it.  She uses a quad cane when she walks - very slowly.

Mami, my elder sister, lives with them (and her family - a husband and a son).  She's more infirmed than Tokwan and Maktok.  She has ghout, heart disease, osteoporosis, diabetes, kidney problem and some other sickness that she keeps hidden from me.  But I know she's not well too.

She works in a school.  Despite her condition, she's able to drive her car to go everywhere she likes.  She just can't walk by herself.  She also has to use a quad cane to help her move around.  Whenever she's at home, she prefers to stay in her room where everything is within reach.  She's a good cook - like Maktok.  She sits on the floor while cooking.  She always puts on a happy face for us. Thank you Mami!

The only problem is that her husband, Pak Ngah, can't drive.  I hope they're doing okay.

Us in Mami's room.

Oh! There's so much I want to tell about the people I love.  I'm just tongue-tied at the moment.  So much has happened since then and so many emotions involved.

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