Friday, July 18, 2014

Re-Visiting The Turtles In Cherating

This was 2 weeks before the fasting month of this year started.  We decided to visit places near the seaside before hibernating at home.  The fasting month is not the time for me and Papa to venture outside.  We're always tired after work and the weekends are always for relaxing at home.

Stopping for lunch before finding the places to visit.

So this time we decided to venture up north.  Since we didn't have any particular place to go, we decided to just stop at the first place encountered on our way.  And that place was the Turtle Sanctuary of Pahang.  We've been here before but this time around we got to enter the hatching ground!

An old house converted into an exhibition hall.  There's no entrance fee but visitors were encouraged to donate any amount and I put in RM10 into the box.

  Visitors were greeted by this large picture of a turtle.

Some corals on display.

There were a whole lot of other things on display but since we've been here before, there's no need to snap the same pictures over and over again.

After a tour inside, we went outside to watch the turtles (again!).

 There were a few small pools outside housing different types of turtles and fresh water turtles.

These hatchlings were not set free to the sea.  Maybe the authority wanted people especially little children to enjoy them.

 This was at the second pool housing the fresh water turtles.  Of course one had to endure the smell. It's not that bad, really. I just have an aversion towards the smell of animals including cats. They gag me.  So, I wouldn't speak and tried to hold my breath for as long as I could. Ya! I know! I'm vain!

Then somebody asked whether we (us and other tourists) wanted to venture to the sands outside where they have the hatchery.  And we're not gonna miss that!

The day was hot so there's a lot of heat on the sand but we're not allowed to wear our shoes there for reasons unknown.

 The area where they kept the turtle eggs was fenced.  We could only take pictures from outside.  The eggs were gathered and kept together in the sand based on dates.

Some eggshells.

Listening intently to the explanation given by a freelance guide.  He was trying to get us (everybody in the picture) to go and watch the turtles laying eggs at night (between March - August).  Anyway, we got a lot of firsthand information from him. Since Papa had another engagement that night, we decided to go after the fasting month.  So we just took his phone number.

Meanwhile, nearby....

I'd love to have one of this cool swings.

And Papa was teaching and helping Zoey to climb the rope.

Managed to hang there for a few seconds.

And finally succeeded!

A yatch in front of Club Med - off-limit to the locals and non-patrons.

Shelters along the seaside and still within the compound.  For now the beach is off-limit as the state government is upgrading and beautifying the site.

A small entrance behind Nina leading to the hatchery.

On our way out, we saw a large glass cupboard.

We'll definitely contact the tour guide to go and watch the turtles laying eggs after the eid. 

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