Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Kota Ngah Ibrahim

We did not use the Highway to travel back to Kuantan. Papa always prefers to use the trunk road especially during the holidays and to allow us the opportunity to stop at any time and visit places of interest along the way.  This time around we stopped at Kota Ngah Ibrahim (Ngah Ibrahim Fort) in Matang, Perak - after we ate the Prawn Noodles.

 This building - once the house of Perak's wealthiest man (he owned a few tin mines) during the colonial era - looked rundown and Papa was a bit skeptical as to whether it was the correct place. Then, we saw a few people coming out from the house and we proceeded inside.

We were greeted by this old cannon.

Of all the directions given here, we didn't visit Captain Speedy's house - I guess we forgot.

The entrance and a guard post.

We were greeted by this diorama or people and an elephant.  I guess elephant was a mode of transportation then.

An armor used by the Buginese warriors.

Some iron ores on display.

A tin funnel made of wood.

Papa showing Zoey tin mining pictures.

Some mining tools used by Chinese miners.

Reading about the 3 Larut Wars.

A compass.

 Hmmm... i think this was used by sailors.

 The lower level of the house was used as a prison.

A diorama of Datuk Maharaja Lela who was accused of murdering JWW Birch, a British Resident in Perak, on 2 November 1875. He was put in the prison in Ngah Ibrahim's house while waiting for his trial.

 In the Japanese room.

The Japanese Room.

 Some bayonets on display.

Before and after restoration.


War shields.

Some writing tools.

 A row of kris.

A silver sword.

A rear balcony on the top floor.

Japanese memorials from the balcony.

In a classroom.

The British section.

Miniature liquor bottles about 3 inches tall.

 Ngah Ibrahim's tomb.  He was accused of abetting the killing of JWW Birch and sent to the Seychelles.  He was then transferred to Singapore and died in Singapore. His remains were brought back to his home in 2006.  

 The compund of the fort was quite large and because of that he needed to place two towers to safeguard his fort and home.  One tower was located in front and the other one was at the back, next to a river.  However, both towers were in ruins with only the steps left.

A well on the front.  There's another well at the back of the house.

Our Hari Raya photo.

The fort was gazetted as a Malaysian Heritage.

One picture with our beloved car so that in the future we can remember how it has brought us many memorable moments together as a family.  It's a local car and I have been challenged by many people (friends, colleagues and family) to buy a new car. Noooo.... Hahaha...

Yes! This is another cheap vacation we practice.  Just use the old trunk road and we'll find so many interesting places and meeting many interesting people as well.  It's also one of the ways to make the children realize and be more aware of what's been happening in the country before. 

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