Sunday, February 9, 2014

Zoo Negara

We went to The National Zoo because we always passed it on our way to Pak Chaq's house since 1998!
I don't know where I put all the other pictures.  Too many in the PC, laptop, pendrives, CDs, facebook, google+! Blegghhh! Am sooo not in the mood to look for them.  Just have to make do with these

We arrived quite late - around 2.00pm.  But we decided to enter still.  So we paid RM25 each and a little less for Zoey.  A picture in front of the zoo is a must as testament of our arrival. Heeheehee...

Can you spot the giant turtle? Or was is a giant tortoise?

Her first encounter with flamingos.  Zoey's very excited.  I wonder why they didn't fly away?  It's not covered - a very large open space.  Maybe their wings were clipped?

Thank you Tareeq for being a helpful brother.  There were lots of people but not at this spot.  I'm not sure the size of the zoo but it was tiring having to walk around. But alas! The animals made it worthwhile though.

Then we entered the walk-in bird cage. Zoey was chasing the birds.  I found a park bench and decided to rest a while.  Papa joined me. Look at Zoey!  All sweaty and could still be notty!  

This was what we're really waiting for.  Now, that caught her attention!

So much so that she couldn't sit down throughout the show.

Bravo! Bravo! Hahaha...

She's able to relax during the second show.  The person handling the show was also good.  It was smooth.  Little children enjoyed themselves.  He got many people from the audience to be involved and participated in the show.  He also did a show involving eagles.

Then we moved on to the aquarium.  It's air-conditioned here.  Cool! Lega Mama.

Tareeq was still doing a great job entertaining Zoey.

She was running here and there and making so much noise on the wooden plank.  There were so many interesting water creatures and she just couldn't keep her excitement intact.  She wanted to be everywhere and near every tank!  Just when she's about to be mesmerized by one aquatic life, another caught her attention.  Letih oooo dok ligan dia merata.  Tiring! Very tiring! Especially being a mother who's constantly on paediophile alert too! 

Luckily it was over! (After quite a while)

Ya! I was too tired to smile at the camera now.  Just happy watching your antics.

I'm just so glad we're together.  I'm also glad to see you guys happy and enjoyed every minute of it.  Luckily we're able to head to Pak Chaq's house a few minutes away and rest because I was really very tired.  My feet were killing me.

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