Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Zoey's new hairdo in December 2013

In December, out of the blue, Zoey insisted to cut her hair. I tried to discourage her but she said, "they're only hair.  They'll grow back."

And so it was that I cut her hair that day.  Her long hair  :(

As usual, her bff (next door neighbor's daughter - Nana) waited on her - patiently.

I put some talcum on her face and neck so that it'd be easier to brush off the hair after I cut them.  I did contemplate a few minutes behind her until she said "what are you waiting for?".

And I started cutting her hair -amateurishly of course! In the end, she's just happy - regardless of the crookedness of her mum's work.

A few days ago she said she wants to wear her hair long again.  Good for you!

The main reason I didn't encourage her to cut her hair was because she's sooooo into Barbie and princesses and short hair just won't do it.  Last two days I noticed her bff also had short hair! Ya, she cut her hair too!

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