Saturday, October 26, 2013

Pekan Riverfront, Pekan

We've been to Pekan or passed through Pekan a few times before but we never took the time to stop at Pekan Riverfront, and this time we did.  The main reason we stopped there was because I was very tired of driving from Kuala Rompin, non-stop.  We were actually on our way home from Desaru (woot! woot! ni the bestest!)

It was in the evening.  There weren't that many people around except for some boys skateboarding and a few families enjoying the atmosphere.  So, to me that was nice.  Tak yah dok serabut dengan orang.  Memang cantik because the square was right next to a river - hence, the name.  It was also clean with some fruit vendors on the other side of the square, and also the famous Hameed Cendol.

Letih memang la letih especially the driver and the co-pilot (Papa of course!) tetapi terhibur because anak-anak enjoyed themselves despite just waking up from their looooong nap from Kuala Rompin.  And as usual, tak segan langsung posing in public.  You guys just can't be bothered when it's posing time.

Getting ready.

Everybody's in their places. :-)

Meen couldn't wait to explore the square.

Adik nak pi sana!

Mama pun jerit suruh jalan tepi-tepi sebab budak-budak tu dok main skateboard.  Takut accident pulak.

Dah sampai ke tepi sungai.

 Ada batu bulat-bulat yang tak diketahui fungsinya except maybe for people to rest their butts. Oh well, it's not very comfortable, though. So, I guess the round stones/boulders were only for aesthetic purposes.

The steps to go down near the water.  The water flowed slowly.  Occasionally air bubbles were seen on the surface. Overall, the water was clean. 

Jangan la ada buaya pulak! Sila naik atas balik!  Berani terlebih. Seriau Mama.

Lihat lah pemandangan sekitar mereka berdua. It was also not very hot that day.

 Not many visitors were there.  So, they made this place their own.

Meen dan Mama wajib ada la.

 Acting.  Meen memang restless macam biasa la jugak.

 This was actually for his FB profile picture. heeheehee..

 Pun acting jugak.

 Acece... Behind her was the square.

Tudia! Kembangnyaa....

So, the moral here is that take time to stop and enjoy the beauty around you.  It may not be here the next time you're here.  We took that time and glad that we did.

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