Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Balik Kampung Hari Raya Aidil Adha

Balik kampung is always a fun time for us. I miss our house. We get to meet Tokwan and Maktok, Pak Chaq and family and Mami and family.  But another look-forward-to activity is makan time! Among the sought-after foods will be Mee Rebus Abu (simply called Mee Abu), Nasi Royale (yummeh!), Laksa Teluk Kechai (found nowhere else except in Teluk Kechai), Laksam Kuala Kedah, Pulut Sambal and Popia Jamal.

But this time, we didn't get to eat all those because I was busy with Tokwan and Pak Chaq visiting Pejabat Daerah dan Tanah Yan, Pejabat Daerah dan Tanah Kuala Muda, Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri etc.  So, we missed out 2 days of eating activity.

It's also our last time sleeping at our house because we in November we're renting it out to some students.  We also managed to sell the piano at a very cheap price of RM550.00! Then on the second last day, we rummaged Papa's house-cum-store for my precious Pyrex to bring back here. Papa also was quite busy with an ad-hoc guitar student. The living room was painted white before we rent it out. Busy Busy Busy.

Then, on our way home, we stopped at Pak Chaq Kamal's house to celebrate Hari Raya there. The last time we were there was in March, I think.

 This was the weather on our first day home.

 Nina was busy brushing the wall.  It was pretty bad!

 Asha was busy doing nothing.

 Meen was given a story book, Captain Pugwash,  so that she wouldn't bother with the paint and painting.

 Tareeq was busy changing the flourescent light.

 The supervisor was busy too.

 Painfully painting. Hahaha...

 While watching Tareeq painting the wall, Asha was trying her luck for a new tablet.  
Good luck Asha! Hahaha

 Since luck was not on her side, she busied herself with something else.  Heeheehee...

 Pak Chaq at Pejabat Daerah dan Tanah Kuala Muda.  OKB nampak!

 Finally!  Mee Abu! Yummeh!

 Nina and Meen were busy with their fingers.  The wall (on Papa's right) was done!

 The naked pianist.  Hahaha... Tareeq couldn't wait for one last try before the pick-up.

 And they came!

 Starting with the stool.

 And then the shoving.

 The weight was over 1 tonne but only 2 people were handling it.

 Babai piano! You have served us well. Now it's time for you to serve another family.
(Of course I was sad)

The student who booked Papa once he knew we were in town.
I hope he got what he was searching for from Papa.

 The wall was done.  We're getting ready and packing to leave.

 Trying out the new boots.

 Time tunnel. Hee hee hee
(Because I remembered Papa's first jamming studio - Time Tunnel)

 The weather all the way back.

The meeting of cousins - more like the meeting of gadget freaks.

Papa was in a serious discussion with Pak Chaq Kamal.
The meeting of two brothers.

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