Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Japanese Day

Seminggu lebih Asha dengan Nina dok kepoh pasal Japanese Day di UMP.  Since you guys were sooo crazy about going and also because we didn't have anything else to do and also because it's fun to watch you guys having fun, we brought you there.  Asha was the most excited because she's an anime freak and also and amateur anime (and sometimes chibi) artist.  So, after lunch that day (hmmm... a few hours after lunch, actually), we took you there.

It was almost 4.30pm when we arrived and many stalls were either already closed or closing. But there were still a bunch of people around, mostly UMP students manning the stalls or friends of them.  Meen was excited too.  She was running here and there and I couldn't keep up.  So, I let her wandered around on her own.

 When we arrived, this doorway greeted us.  So, naturally, we had to take a picture under it.  Well, the shape of the doorway also represents the symbol of the shinto temple, if I remember the information from my Religions of The East class correctly.  It also looks like the doorway to a shogun's house, am I correct? Or... am I correct? The doorway was made of cardboard, that's why they had to hold it with the tall crock.

 Since this stall had large anime posters, Asha was naturally attracted to this stall first.  The posters were quite expensive - more than RM25.00 per piece.  So, I didn't permit her to buy them, mainly because she can draw those characters herself.  So, why waste money?  Use it to buy the stationeries instead.  But, we did spend the time there.

 Before this photo was taken, we actually went into a room showcasing the Japanese culture.  There were kanji letters, costumes, knick knacks, etc.  But there were too many people and I didn't have a good angle to focus my camera.  So, we came out from the room and stopped here instead.  Well, this was also fun.

 A small cosplayer will cost Anime Dollar 888,000,000 (dead or alive) hee hee hee.  This cosplayer was all smiling.

 A cosplayer in action for her mugshot.

 Then we moved to another room.  This room was filled with many UMP students.  They're clearly enjoying themselves.  It was a good thing we decided to go into this room because there's a kimono rental service there and it was very cheap - RM2.00 a piece.  So, we waited for our turn.  Since it's cheap, many people were also waiting for their turn as well. 

While waiting, Meen and Nina wandered off to this booth. It's RM1.00 for each net, regardless of the number of times you're able to use it.  The net was made of paper tissue.  So, it's very fragile and an easy way for them to make money.  I spent a few ringgit on this and in the end I became agitated because Meen wasn't able to catch any fish and the fish was also very cute and I think they know it's difficult to catch them.  Mama pun geram tengok fish tu.  So, I had to come to the rescue and got 1 fish for Meen.  There's a technique to catch the fish.  You must hold the cup very close to the surface of the water in the tub and since the fish was hovering on the surface for air, you need to quickly use the tissue-fishnet to scoop the fish.  OK? So, one fish is enough. Meen was very happy with the catch because she's a future 'kind-hearted veterinarian' - that's how she describes herself with her ambition.

She was very excited and ran off to show Papa of her catch (well, Mama's catch really, but who cares kan?) Papa as usual puji Meen melangit of her ability to catch the fish.  The fish was immediately named Mr. Tom.  I don't know where she got the name and she promised to take care of Mr. Tom.. So, the next day, Mr. Tom died.  So much for the kind-hearted veterinarian.  Hahaha... Anyway, when I got home from work the next day, Meen ran towards me and asked whether I could help fry Mr. Tom and I was, frankly, very surprised and I gave her the 'huh?!!!' answer and look.  So, she told me that Mr. Tom died and since she didn't want to waste anything, she wanted to eat it.  Hahaha...  Good thinking but not the correct decision, though.

After waiting a little longer, it's Nina's turn to wear the Kimono.  Waaah... She's very excited.  It turned out the person helping her with the kimono was her silat instructor and also a UMP student - Shafinaz.

Asha was the most excited person that day.  Being and anime-freak (is it called otaku?) and a fan of everything Japanese, she was beaming and kembang hidung while being prepared and helped with the kimono.

Meanwhile, Nina was all set and ready.  So, one pose from her first while Asha was still trying to wear hers.  There were many people inside the room and memang Nina tak segan pun. So, here's her pose.

Asha masih lagi tak siap.  So, we took this picture together.  Mama pun berminat but the kimono was only for thin people. :-p

Everyone's ready! The umbrellas helped them into the mood.  Oppsss! It's called Yukata, not kimono.

Seorang budak yang sungguh happy hari tu! Dulu masa kat Japanese Garden, Bukit Tinggi tak boleh try and mahal, RM20.00 per kimono!

Thank you Kak Shafinaz for allowing Meen to also enjoy herself for free.  Meen pun happy lah jugak sebab dapat Mr. Tom and was also able to wear the kimono - double happiness for her.

And now, it's time to go outside.  Asha was already into character!

Hihihi... Nak tergelak tengok depa.

Nasib baik Papa ikut.  Boleh jugak Mama join you guys ambik gambag.

At first, you guys were quite reluctant to give back.  Masih nak pakai.  Tapi since ramai lagi yang menunggu giliran, terpaksa lah jugak buka balik.

Although it was only for a couple of hours, we did do something together - minus Tareeq, of course.  We don't need to spend a lot of money to enjoy ourselves.  Malam tu Asha and Meen mesti tidur nyenyak and mimpi yang indah-indah sebab Asha dapat pakai kimono and Meen dapat Mr. Tom (walaupun Mr. Tom mati esoknya).

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