Thursday, October 3, 2013

Cameron Highlands Re-visited

The first time Papa and I brought you guys to Cameron Highlands was back in 2010.  This time, since CH is on our way back to Kedah, we decided to visit there again.  It was just before the Chinese New Year of this year.  We booked a homestay at Lily Apartment for 2 nights and we brought many maggi mee. Hahaha...

We took the Raub route this time.  It was tiring because I felt Raub is very far from Karak Highway.  Nevertheless, it's one of the shortest routes to CH.  We stopped for lunch in Raub.  It was a moderately busy town.  After Raub, it's winding all the way up to CH.  Kepala pun sakit dan pening jugak la.

First we stopped at the Boh Tea Plantation and had some drinks at Boh Cafe.  I decided not to buy the cakes because they didn't look that inviting.  We enjoyed the scenery, though.  It was cool (both weather and ambience) and it was like JRR Tolkien's Middle Earth - peminat tegar la ni.

It was still fun even though that was our second time there. We were still excited looking at the beautiful flowers and strawberries (of course!).  I bought too many strawberries this time around sampai sapa pun tak lalu nak berebut dah.

As far as souvenirs were concerned, we didn't buy any.  Selamat duit!  We spent more on food.  So, lain kali boleh pi lagi, kay!

 This was at Boh Cafe.  They serve hot drinks and cakes, cookies and sandwiches too.
We only ordered drinks as we just had lunch in Raub before that.  

The weather was cool that day so it's convenient and suitable for hot drinks.

After that we went to a Bee Farm.  However, the operator  informed us that they're not collecting honey because the bees were angry that day.  So, we ended up taking pictures with the flowers, instead.

A rare occasion to see them together. So, this is nice.

They're allowed to touch but not to pick the strawberries.

Everybody was happy after loads of strawberry sweet treats.
Ha! Ambik! Makan sampai tak lalu dah strawberry hari tu.

This was at the S-Corner cafe.  Since everybody was fulled of strawberries,
the ones I bought here were safe.  These were for Maktok and Tokwan

We ordered a cup of coffee - for politeness sake - since we were sitting at one of the cafes there.
Satgi tuan cafe tu marah pulak dok lepak-lepak tapi tak order anything.

Cool and nice view.  Kebetulan hari tu hujan rintik-rintik.  Jadi atmosphere pun cantik.
Ini kat Bharat's Plantation.

You guys were ready to explore the tea plantation.  I think I was more excited, though. Hahaha...

As usual, Tareeq was ever ready to layan Meen.
The building in the background is a cafe.

Dua orang budak ni were overly excited.  So they moved quickly to get to where I wanted to go - a bit farther down from where we were.

Di celah-celah pepohon teh.  Bila tengok dekat-dekat, rupanya batang-batang pokok tu penuh lumut.
Now, that made me think twice about drinking tea!  Adakah daun-daun teh dalam uncang teh yang kita minum tu bercampur dengan lumut-lumut tu? Eeuuwww...

Sebenarnya Mama yang teringin nak ambik gambag di celah-celah rimbunan teh tu. 

Lepas selesai berposing di celah-celah pokok teh tu dan lepas Mama jatuh gedebuk! giliran Meen beraksi pulak.  She wasn't about to climb the slope but just froze there long enough for me to snap her picture.  Hehehe....

Teenagers will be teenagers. Gadgets in their hands except for Asha.  She seemed indifferent about gadgets here. Actually, she had her beats attached to her MP3 and was listening to music all these while.  Hahaha 

Then, we moved to Tanah Rata.  Okay, another posing time!

And another one.  At first I thought this was a clock tower.  Tapi tak nampak jam pun.  So, maybe this was all-for-nothing tower, erected for the sake of having a standing structure there.  Hihihi...

Hujan masih rintik-rintik, tapi Meen peduli apa. Janji dia boleh posing sebagai bukti dia dah sampai ke Cameron Highlands..

This was on our last day.  On the way to Tapah, we stopped at this place - I forgot the name - which has a large shop and eating area and more strawberries.  I'm not sure Meen buat perangai or merajuk but Papa seemed to try to pujuk dia and Asha was typically bored, as usual.  Haha...

After that, Meen's mood became better.  So, she started to enjoy herself with those strawberries - again!
Geram nak petik tapi tak dibenarkan.  Dibenarkan beli yang kat dalam shop ja.

Meen pun geram jugak dengan strawberries yang gumok-gumok tu.

Two-third of the family.  Abang hilang pi mana ntah sepanjang masa di sini.

We will visit Cameron Highlands again in the near future.

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