Saturday, October 19, 2013

Bukit Tinggi, Pahang

So I don't have anything to do tonight. I might as well update this blog.  :-)

Previously when my friends talked about going to Bukit Tinggi or suggesting a gathering at Bukit Tinggi, I was like, huh? Isn't it in Indonesia? Why would we go all the way to Indonesia when we could have fun here?

Then, on the day I moved here - before all of you came here with Papa, as I was driving on the Karak Highway I saw the signpost showing Bukit Tinggi.  And what I saw was Berjaya Hill Resort. And I thought, that's Bukit Tinggi?  That's all?

And so when Papa suggested we go to Bukit Tinggi, I started to google and saw many beautiful pictures of the place including the Colmar Tropicale - a medieval French Village in Malaysia. There's a similar Colmar Village in France.  The one here is a French-themed resort with many french cafes.

So we started our journey using the old road.  It was a looooooong journey!  And then the drive up the hill took forever.  Once in a while, we could catch glimpses of the french village. Oh! It was starting to get exciting!

Once up there. there was a junction.  We took the left turn and we arrived at the foot of a hill that housed the Japanese Village.  Asha was very excited!  While looking for a parking space, we passed a row of cars and I smelled petrol.  Papa and I thought our car was having a problem.  So, we decided to park a bit farther away from other cars.  We could still smell the petrol.

Once we're out of the car, we could hear hissing sounds.  It turned out that one of the cars was heating up.  After a while it started to emit smokes.  So anyways, as usual, I took some pictures until the car was on fire! I was expecting an explosion but all we heard was some little popping sounds,  What a disappointment  :(  Papa said explosions are only in movies. Oookay! I really had high expectations on those explosions.  Hahaha...

So we moved up the steps towards the Japanese Village.  It was beautiful! The had the Koi Pond, Japanese houses, some kimonos for rent, Japanese Spa and the surrounding just screamed nature! I was still waiting for any explosion sounds. Heeheehee...

Then we went down to the Japanese Restaurant.  It was in a garden.  So, naturally, Meen started to become restless and runnign here and there.  Then we went back to our car and the car that was on fire was already charred.  The owner was there.  3 other cars parked next to the car and in front of the car also caught fire.  Hancus!  The police and fire truck was also there.

After that we proceeded to Colmar Tropicale.  The entrance fee was RM12.00 per person.  I loved the buildings. They looked authentic enough to me.  There were sooo many people there and there wasn't anything serene or peaceful there. Hahaha So much for Provencale French Village!  There were loads of cafes with loads of people eating loads of foods.  It's just... to crowded for me. But yep! I did enjoy the beautiful buildings here.  It was still worth the journey up there.

 It just started.

 Makin berasap.

 It was a Gen2. Sebelah dia Naza Forte.  Yang hujung tu tak sure.  But all three cars were burnt to the ground.

 Mama tangkap gambag Papa dulu.

The Koi Pond.

 Japanese Garden.  Tak tau lah depa dok tengok apa.

 These kimonos were for rental.  But there weren't enough and we had to wait.  So we decided to enjoy the nature without the kimonos.  It's RM20 per kimono.  Kesian Asha.  She really wanted to try the kimono.  She'a an avid fan of anything Japanese.

 Sempat jugak berdating.

 The environment was very nice.

 Look at the trees.  Syokkan?

 Asha was really excited but the spa was closed that day because of the public holiday.

 On the way down, we had to cross this small bridge again, the same when we wanted to go up.  The bridge was over the Koi Pond.

 Meen likes animals because she wants to be a veterinarian.  So, it's just natural that she's interested in those Koi fish.

 We're  heading to the Botanical Garden after this.

 She's an animal lover.

 Among nature.

 Meen jatuh. So, posing sambil duduk pulak. Lepas tu baru tengok luka yang tak luka pun tu.

 Pintu gerbang to the Botanical Garden.

 Dia suka bergambar.

 That's the Japanese Restaurant.

 This was at the bottom of the steps next to the Japanese Restaurant.

 That's the name of the restaurant.

 Bird's eye view of the Colmar Tropicale - from the parking area.

 Enjoying the view before going there.

 A fountain in the middle of the square.  Pulun tangkap gambag tang ni dulu.

 The building behind us was the entrance.

 Wandering around and enjoying themselves.

 One of the cafes there.  So, pakat-pakat dreaming depa kat Peranchis lah ni.

 They were checking out the game room while we're relaxing here.  Letih jalan-jalan kat Japanese Garden tadi tu.

 Tengok ja sebab Mama dengan Papa tak bagi berjudi.

 I was on a tower, looking down at you guys.

 Alamak! Herot la pulak! Ish, malas nya nak ubah.  Biag ja lah.  Another angle from the tower.

 Masih herot jugak.  Catching Asha in action.

 Haruslah ada gambag Mama dengan Meen.

 Those buldings there are actually hotels.  This is another fountain there.

 Tu patung kuda ja.

 Nina was interested with something.

 There was a street magician.

 Outside the compound of Colmar Tropicale.

Laaa... Herot lagi!  The building behind me is actually the parking area. 

Spoil betoi gambar2 herot la pulak.  Tapi penyakit malas melanda.  Biag ja lah.  

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