Sunday, December 1, 2013

Tasik Kenyir

We never intended to sleep over at Tasik Kenyir but the opportunity was just too good to let it pass.

The trip was through palm oil plantations. Halfway there, Meen started feeling hungry. So, we stopped at one of the roadside stalls. Her must-have lunch: Nasi dan ikan goreng.

We arrived there and had to wait for our buggy to take us to the room.
Can you spot a deer?

Can you spot the same deer?  This wasn't a zoo. Just a small deer farm.

We met up with Pak Chaq and his family.  You guys were very happy to meet your cousins.  They arrived one day earlier.

Asha and Nisha would always have small fist fights every time they met.
L-R: Mak Chaq, Mira, Asha, Nisha

They're still at it. The buggy was still not there yet.  This was from our chalets and we wanted to go to the main reception building / lobby.

Sisters in purple. Photobombed by Nini.


Still waiting for the buggy.

In the end, we decided to climb the hill to the lobby.  Lenguh wei!

The view from the lobby.  We're going there - towards the hills.

The pool would have to wait.

Once they found chess, they're not going anywhere.  We had to wait.

At the jetty for a cruise on the lake - Jeti Teluk Gawi (I think)

We were divided into two groups - hence 2 boats.

At one of the islands on the lake.  This island was the herb plantation. 

It was raining.  So, we had to wait under the gazebo before venturing the plantation once the rain stopped.

Too bad I forgot to take pictures while on the plantation.  We drank boiled kacip fatimah roots and the men drank boiled tongkat ali roots.  Very very bitter!

On to another island.  This time, Meen decided to sit with Papa.

There's a waterfall on this island and also a camping site.  Well, we're allowed to stay for about 1 hour - as per tour package.  There were many families camping there.

The view from the campsite.

Pak Chaq and family went down to the waterfall first while Papa and I had to wait for you guys because Meen needed to go to the toilet.

And they came.

Catching up with the cousins. Pak Chaq and Nini were posing on the rocks.

Mak Chaq and Nisha were always ready to entertain Meen.

I was actually too tired to enjoy myself.  I'm not really into this kind of adventure.  My kind of an adventurous trip would be a trip to McDonald's.  Hehehe....

You guys were clearly enjoying yourselves.  Good for you!

Too bad we didn't bring any extra clothes.

It'd be nice to take a dip in the cool water, wouldn't it?

Since we're not prepared for any wild adventure, this was fairly wild.  Kesian depa.

The receding water level on the lake - by a few meters.

The view of the small jetty from the boat.

There weren't many tourists around.

This was the next day.

Time for a dip.

The pools were ours that days.

Nisha was ready.

Nina was entertaining Meen at the children's pool.

Children's pool or not, as long as she can have a dip.

Asha on the slide.  I'm not sure that's the correct way.

And she got stuck at the bottom of the slide.  Hahaha...

Belasah je...

It's time to leave.

Devastation set in. Hahaha...

She was the last to leave the pool.

The lobby from the pool.

At another pool.  She's still not ready to leave yet.

Returning the towels.


Showering too.

At the lobby on our first day.  Meen was with Pak Chaq's family.

While waiting for our buggy to take us to our chalets.

The heliconias (sorry, I'm too lazy to check the spelling) were beautiful.

Mama and Nina.

We still got time for one more picture.

Buggies were need to get to anywhere here.  Unless you're the kind of person to walk up and down the hills.  Not for me, thank you.

Okay, all these pictures were jumbled up!  Nina was going down to the jetty on the first day.

While waiting for our boat.

Okay! Okay! I'm too lazy to arrange the pictures.  This was while waiting for you - Meen's toilet time.

While waiting for our buggy to go out for dinner.

Meen was happy.  Sorry Meen! You have to tilt your head to the left because I'm lazy today.

Nini and Meen.
(Still too lazy to rotate the picture)

Darkness all around.

Papa and his big brother.

Again, waiting for our buggy.

Meen fell asleep while waiting.

Dawn in Tasik Kenyir.  This was about 6.30am.

The chalet down there (near the water) was occupied by Pak Chaq.

Nature adventure is not my thing.  I don't like the stillness of the night.  I don't like the sounds of night creatures - whatever they may be.  I don't like to not be able to walk freely at night because I don't like to anticipate the unexpected.  I always feel like something is watching me and it gives me the creep.

However, you guys enjoyed this trip because you're able to enjoy it with your cousins. That's enough for me. I may not want to return here although the views were spectacular. This is soooo not me unless I can get a room near the lobby where I can see and hear people around.

The chalets were wonderful though!  I may want to build one for myself, for when Papa and I retire in the near future. Aaahhh! Bliss! 

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