Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Teluk Bahang, Penang

I never knew Penang has a national park.  We just stumbled upon this place as we drove towards the end of the Batu Feringghi stretch and came upon Teluk Bahang.  And we kept driving and at the end of Teluk Bahang was this place - Penang's very own National Park.

The park / small forest was beautiful.  Nature is always beautiful.  It's near the sea.  The forest ends with the sea and that's very cool.  They built a walkway that on one side was the forest and on the other side was the sea! 

We came to this small jetty than ran towards the sea.  There were many boats around as this was also the fishing village there.  People were busy with their daily routine and they seemed immuned to tourists.  So, we were saved from the normal staring and gaping from the locals.

This was the entrance to the national park.

On the left of this picture was the Forestry office.

Behind them was the ticket-cum-information counter.

We're reminded to not litter the area, and the area was actually clean and smelled only of fresh leaves, the ground and the salty sea.

This picture was not about us.  Papa's focus was on the background.

The place was beautiful (okay, I already mentioned this earlier).

We stopped for a while and took many pictures because I couldn't walk very far.  I had to stop for a few minutes before continuing our adventure.

Mengkuang bush was also in abundance there.

The sun was high.

There were many rest areas there with many benches and tables for people to have picnics.  But we didn't bring any food because this was unplanned.

After this small entrance-way, we had to walk on a suspended bridge (cool!) and came upon an intersection of some sort.  To the left was a track further uphill and to the right was a track towards a turtle sanctuary and near the seaside. But we turned back and didn't go any further.  Tak larat nak jalan kaaannn?  2 guards were stationed here.

She loves posing.

I always enjoy her companion.

A failed attempt at trying to be moody. Hahaha...

This suspended bridge was over a small creek flowing towards the sea. Subhanallah cantik!
The boy bending over in front of Papa was bitten by jellyfish and he was vomitting and crying in pain.

And back at the main entrance.

Finishing off our short but enjoyable unplanned trip.

Any kind of trip, whether it's planned or not, should be enjoyed to the fullest.  Then only we'll be able to really appreciate what we have and be thankful for what little things that we have as compared to people who don't have anything at all.  

Trips don't have to be expensive to be fun.  Trips don't have to include an overnight stay to be meaningful.  Trips don't have to involve shopping to be remembered.  Our trips always just need us together and other things will fall into their places.

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