Thursday, November 28, 2013

Tanjung Lumpur

Most people know Tanjung Lumpur for its abundance of Medan Ikan Bakar - food, food, food.  But we love the beach there more. This was in Pantai Sepat.  The stretch  wasn't very long but it's beautiful all the same.  The first time we were there we were greeted by cow dungs - loads of them.  Everywhere. Hahaha...

This time we went there just because.  We stopped at a very small food operator who was about to close his stall but we ate there anyway and he had to wait a while.  We didn't plan for Meen to have a dip and she was really disappointed. But we did take a walk on the beach - and of course a few pictures of us.

It was really late in the afternoon - early evening. The sun was ready on its westward journey.
Hmmm... Nina nampak kurus sikit kat sini.

Papa wasn't looking at the light. He was trying not to get his new white sneakers dirty - bad choice of the day.  I just loved how the sun was still trying to sneak between the casuarinas.

Papa seemed frozen. He was really trying not to ruin his new shoes. So, he didn't budge while Meen just couldn't care less.

I think they're looking at the hermit crabs.  If you keep quiet and not moving for just a few seconds, those hermit crabs will come out to greet you.

Yup! It's definitely all about those hermit crabs

Meanwhile I had other plans for me.  I wasn't afraid to get my shoes dirty because I wore slippers.  So, I didn't care.

And another one - tonggek style.

She forgot about the beach and the sea because those hermit crabs were far more interesting.

It's easy to get entertained.  We just need to find something that we really like - and to us it's the beach.  As long as there's something that we can do outside the house, we should be okay - Meen should be okay.  I guess she's bored being cooped-up in the house all day long.  She needs air.  She needs fresh air. In fact, we all need fresh air and new environment.  It becomes claustrophobic after a while.  No wonder Papa is always one who's open to new adventures and I'm thankful for that.


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