Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Tareeq - A Cancer Survivor

Tareeq is the first born - an unexpected pregnancy since Papa and I just got married. We're clueless as to what to do with that pregnancy but we managed.  I had very bad morning sickness and was only able to eat corns throughout the three trimesters.  Labour pain for him was also the longest among the four of you - 2 days and 2 nights!  Wan Mat (Papa's ayah) really cherished his birth.  Other gramps were happy too but not as delighted as Wan Mat.

When Tareeq was a little over a year, he was always unwell, always having fever.  Then those fevers turned into high fevers and he was having some fits.  We took him to the doctor and she said that it's not good and that we needed to take him to the hospital the next time he's having another fit. She also gave a referral letter to bring to the hospital.

The first time in hospital after the first blood sample taken

The next day he had another fit and we took him to Putra Medical Center. The paediatrician (Dr. Guna) took blood sample for some tests and commented that his blood was dilute.  He was warded. The next morning Dr Guna came and informed us the results showed that he probably had leukaemia.  He gave a referral letter for us to bring to the General Hospital - as he said the treatment was cheaper there.

1/2 day break from the hospital for the Eid

So, another round of sample taken and sent to University Malaya Medical Center.  We had to wait for about a week for the results. Meanwhile, they've started giving him some strong antibiotics.  His spleen was swollen by this time.  He was pale.  That was during Ramadhan of 1998.  A few days before the Eid. On the morning of the Eid, the doctor discharged him temporarily and we had to be back in the evening. 

 One of the stays in UMMC during chemotherapy

A few days later  the result came back - positive - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (ALL-L1 type), L1 being the lowest level of leukaemia. So we were referred to UMMC and asked to start chemotherapy there - a 2-year protocol.  Thus was the start of our life with, in and within the hospital - up to this day.

During a holiday in Penang. Started losing his hair by this time.

Yup! Life wasn't too much fun back then but we managed. We did go for holidays and tried to enjoy life as usual but always had to be aware of his condition - very low antibody and could easily catch the cold or fever. 

 Another holiday in Penang - Tareena was a few months old.  The hair grew back - extra thick each time.
After a few months, we were recommended to get pregnant so they can take and keep the cord blood in case he needs bone marrow transplant. The cord blood (yup! it's compatible with Tareeq) is now stored in Australia - we had to pay a small fee for this. So, that's how Tareena came into this world.

 Enjoying family time at home

By this time, I was already pregnant with Taqreesa.  Tareeq was also at the end of his 2-year chemotherapy protocol.  We only had to visit the hospitals (both in Alor Setar and UMMC) according to the appointment dates given.

Tareeq and Tareena In Teluk Chempedak last week

Tareeq is now under remission - since 2000.  Just the occasional blood test routine. He's 18 years old this year.

It was an experience that I would never want to go through again.  It's between life and death.  We did not know whether he's going to live or not and it was heart-breaking.  Wan Mat was always in tears.  He loved Tareeq very much.  Papa and I were able to accept that as fate.

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