Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Somewhere in Grik

I loved the view from this highland. We stopped here on our way back to Kedah.

Miles and miles of hills. We're facing Thailand which was just a few kilometers away from this spot.

The atmosphere was cool and clear. Relaxing too.

When did Asha become that tall?

Still couldn't get enough of the view.

While they were on good terms.

Which was a rare occurence.

And she always enjoys herself.

Regardless of where she was and who she was with.

Love them to bits!

I always love travelling especially by car. We can stop anywhere we like and at any time that suits us.  I also love travelling to remote areas where people don't really go to. And I also love travelling because I'm always with my family - regardless of their moods and temperaments, they add colours to our lives.

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