Saturday, November 9, 2013

Ayam Penyet

Ayam Penyet is an Indonesian dish.  The Malaysian version would be the famous Chicken Rice.  Our first Ayam Penyet experience was in Kota Tinggi. We stopped there on our way to JB.  Since that's the only dish served at the shop apart from roti canai, I ordered this especially for Meen because she needed to eat rice.  When the rice finally arrived, it looked very much like chicken rice except that it was served with sambal.  And we ate it and to me it was very delicious!

My second Ayam Penyet experience was a few months ago.  It wasn't planned actually.  I wanted to go out but Papa wasn't very keen.   So I sulked. Hahaha.... Then he took me out and I was still sulking. Hahaha... Teruk betoi!

So we went to a mall and I really didn't know what to do there. Another terukness!  So, we wandered around and I stopped at a leather kiosk.  Belek punya belek punya belek, in the end Papa allowed me to buy a leather handbag.  Happeeeeee......

Then Meen started to feel hungry.  The only place available with rice dish was the Restoran Ayam Penyet. We went inside and ordered.  We were a bit confused with the menu but ordered we did.  While waiting for the food, snapping away some pictures and admiring my new handbag of course! Hahaha...

 We went straight to the smoking section.  The ambience was very nice.  The non-smoking section was nice too. There weren't many patrons around maybe because it's in the night.  That's why tak segan nak ambik gambaq.

Papa looked bored but I didn't care. Hahaha....

 I was happy because I got myself a leather handbag. Hee.....


Looking at the restaurant logo

So that's the restaurant. We don't eat out much and whatever dish from whatever country we want to eat, I'll cook.  And since we also used to own a cafe once, all the more reason I want to eat home-made food because I can ensure of the cleanliness and also a lot cheaper. Imagine a salmon steak doesn't cost more than RM10.00 with all the condiments but if we eat at a restaurant they'd charge somewhere between RM30-RM50 per plate! So, eating out is a big no-no, unless it's KFC, my favourite.

People say a father is a girl's first love.  It is soooo true for Meen.

This was the side dish - Gado-Gado.

That's the peanut sauce for gado-gado - a whole lot different from what I imagined and used to eat.  The peanut sauce was very dilute and tasted like a mixture of ground peanuts and hot water - no spice, nothing.  The salad was, ummmm..., just salad.  Not like the authentic gado-gado with blanched kangkung.  This one was more like a modern gado-gado.  So, thumbs down for this one.

That's the ayam penyet - to be eaten with rice of course.  The ayam penyet here wasn't delicious though.  Not like the one we ate in Kota Tinggi and cost more too!  Restaurant food cannot guarantee good taste.  I still believe that if we want to eat delicious food, they don't have to be expensive. Presentation is everything in restaurants but the taste is normally bland.  The same goes here.  I really had high expectation because they seemed to be able to offer everything including the right ambience and good service.  All those count to nothing when taste is compromised for commercial purpose.  It will be a looooong time to return to this restaurant again.

Woot! Woot! My new leather handbag.  The only satisfaction that day.

So, eating stylishly cannot guarantee satisfaction in terms of taste.  They may make you look good, feel good etc but why waste money on it? We can use the money to buy something else and feel a whole lot better about it. 

And with the ayam penyet experience that day, i'd say Malaysian food is still the best.

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