Thursday, October 10, 2013

Gramps' Visit

Last May, Maktok and Tokwan came to our house.  I really appreciate it because it's not easy for them to travel.  Pak Chaq and I planned their trip for quite some time.  We relocated from our original home for about a year and Tokwan still calls us like 2 or 3 times a week. I guess he misses a good argument with me and also misses Meen.  Maktok doesn't speak much during the calls because she's not much of a talker, unless she speaks to Meen.

It was not an easy trip for them as they had to endure the long journey.  Once arrived, Maktok complained of back pain.  Kesian Maktok.  It's not like we didn't go back - we went back like once a month.  I guess they just wanted to really know how we live here, to see our new house, where I work, how we're doing here and so on.

Pak Chaq and I planned for them to stay for at least a week and we really hoped they'd stay longer than that.  However, after 2 days, Maktok wanted to go home. She's uncomfortable with the bathroom.  It's too small for her wheelchair.  On their first day here, we took them to town.  One the way, Maktok had hypoglycemia.  So, we made an emergency stop at a roadside stall to eat, although our original plan was to eat in Teluk Cempedak.  Anyway, the foods weren't nice at all!  But, that's that day's rezeki. Alhamdulillah. Once in Teluk Chempedak, there were too many people.  It's difficult to find a parking area that's easily accessible by infirmed people like Maktok and Tokwan.  So, we decided to go home.

The next day, we took them to your third cousin's house in the State Penitentiary Staff Quarters. They have 3 rowdy little boys.  It was fun to watch them.  After that we headed to Pekan - the Royal town.  We took them to the famous polo field and it was our lucky day - they had practice (or was it an informal match?) that day.  We stopped to watch them play.   

Then on the third day, we took them to Cherating Beach.  It was fun but I wasn't very happy because Maktok insisted to go home the next day.  I was hoping for them to stay here long. Anyway, since it was all in a haste, we didn't bring a lot to eat.  It's more like bringing Meen to the beach.  Then, dinner at the famous Aina Ikan Bakar Petai in Tanjung Lumpur.  We had a feast! Suka! Suka!

I really hope they can come and stay with us for good.  Insyaallah!

Pak Chaq and family brought Maktok and Tokwan to our house.
L-R: Papa, Tareeq, Pak Chaq, Kakak Nadia

Penjara Penor - The State Penitentiary
About 15 minutes from our house.

2 of 3 rowdy and fun little boys.  It's like their own little show that day.

Polo match - we've been here a few times before but the fields (3 fields altogether, I think) were always empty, but not today though. It's our lucky day.  
I was always intrigued by polo.  It's a game not everybody gets to enjoy.  
It's very exclusive, unlike golf.  Everybody plays golf but not polo.

Another closer shot.  Exquisite!  Look at the horses.  They're a sight to watch.
We also took a short video of the match.

At a roundabout near the polo field.

It's not life-size.  It's bigger.  But they captured the move there.
Meen with Kakak Nurul - one of her favourite cousins.

Since Maktok is wheechair-bound, she only watched from the car.
Tokwan is on crutches.  So, he also watched from the car.
Both absorbing everything during their visit.

A very exclusive club!

The Sultan's palace is right next to the polo field. 

Couldn't get a clear shot as I was facing the sun.

Cherating Beach!  We were lucky that day cos the stall owner allowed Maktok and Tokwan to sit behind his stall.  He even provided the chairs.  Thank you soooo much, Pakcik!  We reciprocated his act of kindness by buying some knick knacks from his stall.

Tokwan was eyeing the t-shirts.  He bought one for Nabil - Mami's son.

The stall owner was enjoying a good conversation with Tokwan.  
Just talking about this and that.
Tokwan is always good with strangers.  He can make them feel like family.

Meen - always excited

Nina! - photobomber

Nina!! - photobomber at work


Kakak Nurul eating rojak buah - we brought some light snacks. 
No wonder everybody was very hungry.

Time to hit the water.

Papa making sure everybody took care of Meen.

They were about 100 meters into the sea and it's still shallow.
The water was about knee high.

Oi! Time to go home!

Quickly you guys!  Sempat pulak posing lagi tu!

Make sure everybody's there - no one's missing.

I always like this shot.
A rock group's photography session for their album's cover. Hahaha

Tokwan - always on the lookout.
Maktok - concerned face.
Papa -scratching his head. Hahaha...

Cheeky girls at dinner time!

Maktok's order came first as requested because she's having hypoglycemia, again!

Like mother, like daughter.

Meen was patiently waiting for the food. 
Ikan Siakap Bakar Sambal Petai, Ikan Masak Stim, Tomyam and other yummy condiments.

Excitedly waiting for the food.

Starting to get bored. Hahaha...

I hope they'll visit again next time.  We had so much fun while they're here. 
Thank you Tokwan and Maktok for coming.
Thank you Pak Chaq for bringing them here.

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