Thursday, May 22, 2014

MySAF - Malaysian Street Art Festival

I got to know about this festival (3-4 may 2014) through facebook. We decided to venture there and see the art scene in Teluk Cempedak (well, more like entertainment scene, though).

We saw this first - a group of skateboarders. 
We could hear bands playing/jamming on the left and we headed there.

A local band was playing. A mentally disturbed man in stripes was clearly enjoying himself in front of the stage. Ahaks!

And we spotted Tareeq on the other side of the stage, oblivious to the surrounding and clearly absorbed.

Battle of the drummers was our next stop.

The skateboaders were still rolling back and forth in front of those drummers.

We're headed there. On the left were rows of people selling knick knacks including bangles, t-shirts, halal beer-looking beverages, children's toys and many other things.

Ice-cream treat for them.

The main stage. Okay, this was more professional than the first one we saw.

Entertaining the audience. She was energetic and with good voice.

 That's the main banner next to the main stage.

 Then we ventured to the beach.  There were loads of people, mostly families, having fun together during the weekend.

 That's Zoey in yellow and red.  She really wanted to go near the water but she knows Mama well. :)

 Everybody was just enjoying themselves and couldn't be bothered with other people.

 Then we spotted some pirates! 
I was actually interested with the reporter interviewing the rastafarian because I was thinking on why they did not interview the locals (or maybe they already did before this, sorry!).  I wondered what he said about the festival.  Hopefully the interview helped to promote our country.  It's Visit Malaysia Year 2014, do you know that?

 This was the closest I could get to the pirates - by zooming in - because they kept on chatting with each other despite some obvious interests showed by the onlookers, including Zoey, to take pictures with them. It's frustrating, really, when you have a child who's very imaginative like Zoey. 
Hey! It's not everyday that you get to meet Captain Jack Sparrow, okay! And 3 Jack Sparrows at that! One of them could at least show some interests. Thumbs down!

 And since Zoey still insisted to take pictures with the pirates, this was the best I could do for her.

 Then we moved up back to the street and the stalls.  This man was making keychains and badges with names on them.

 Some of his works.

 Colourful bangles were also on sale.

And as usual this never fails to catch Asha's attention - books.  Free reading there.

 That person was suggesting some books to Asha.

 Next to them were these buskers in sarongs.  Cool!

 On the opposite side (and on the beach) the breakdancers (I don't know what they're called nowadays) were in full swing.

 Everybody's showing off their skills.

 Bargaining before buying.

 This caucasian kept smiling whenever I pointed my camera his way, so this one's for him.

 And we moved on to the next area.  Zoey insisted on this pose.

 Also on sale that day.

 The bazaar was lacking customers because people were swarming the festival.

On our way back.  The beach was at the end on this stretch.  It was quite a walk.

Well, hopefully the festival helped the local economy and put Malaysia, particularly Kuantan, on the tourism map. 

For us, it was fun.  We didn't stay long because it was already late in the afternoon.  There will always be activities held there and this is not the last we'll talk about Teluk Cempedak. 

Papa didn't join us.  He said "I've seen it once. I've seen it all". Oh well, those were our (Papa and I) activities during our first years of marriage - going to and joining gigs after gigs after gigs.... Too much fun!

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