Thursday, April 24, 2014

R&R Sungai Perak

Stops along the highways are blessings.  We don't always enjoy the food but more for the break.  One of the stops that I really love is the one near Sungai Perak (southbound).

 Loads of fruit stores selling local produce 24 hours daily.

Local crafts.

The fruits are fresh from farms mostly found all over the Perak state.  I wanted to buy some fruits but Papa warned against buying cos I'd buy without thinking.  So, don't buy altogether.

Most crafts are from indigenous groups in Perak.

Handwoven food covers.

I love crafts but again, not in compatible mode with Papa.

And they found something to amuse themselves.  Kihkihkih...

Heeheehee... Children in oddly adult sizes, really!

Taking turns.

After coaxing Mama to snap her picture, which I reluctantly agreed because I was too tired.

 And she wanted a snap too.  I had to again reluctantly agree.

The small big sister with her big small sister.  Yeah! Odd, really.

Zoey's request with our tired faces.

 And one with Asha.

I've learned long ago to control my love of all crafts because I'm just not good at making full use of them at home.  

And since I'm on diet, no fruits. And that includes you too!   Hahaha... selamat duit!

So anyway, I do love this stop.  It's convenient. It's not too big and not too small.  It has almost everything interesting.  And if we stop in the late evening, the view of the river is beautiful.

So that's it about R&R Sungai Perak.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Papa's Super Simple Mini Recording Studio At Home

This is Papa's latest venture.  He already has a singer-songwriter (Kimie Kamarul) attached with him.  While recording his songs, we realised that the place was soooo not suitable and viable for recording because it was crowded with so many unimportant knick-knacks.  That's when we decided to invest a little bit with what little money we have left.

First the task of finding the right contractor - price-wise and what they could offer. In the end we did find a young man just starting his company. Well, he did come with his ups and downs.  A one or two day's job became an almost 2 weeks affair.

This was during their 2nd or 3rd recording.

Kimie - singer-songwriter
Aduka - guitarist

Chaotic right?

Chaos on this side too!

And chaos in the middle.  Vain!

So we started clearing things up a little bit.


Another phew! on this side.

It's just a small space on the second floor of our house.

I wasn't home when they started renovating.  When I got home that day, this greeted me.

And a hallway of some sort was formed.  I like it!
Papa painted the wall because it's not included in the package.  So he mixed a few paint colours available in the house and got this awesome colour.

A view from the opposite side of the hallway.

The view on the inside with yellow lighting.

We used whatever curtains we have and Papa went out to but a few extra pieces of ready-made curtains because I don't have a sewing machine to make new ones for him.

And these were our first visitors - Aunty Khorsiah and her family who came all the way from KL on Sunday.

Mesti berlakon jugak!

 A surround shot - amateurishly taken.

Another surround shot.

Some pillows for chillaxing.

And so that's how we came about to have a mini recording studio at our house.  The other chaotic stuff are now packed in whatever rooms we have and will have to wait their turn to be cleared away neatly because I'm tired.  

My holiday starts on 30 April and will start thinking of ways and all the nooks and crannies to store all the other stuff away.  I'm seeing new decorations already!  Super excited!


Thursday, April 17, 2014

Window Shopping

It's been a while since we went window shopping.  It's fun window shopping with the girls. The best part - eating time!

Juara makan!

Zoey didn't eat much.  She ran around a lot.

She couldn't wait to get on the bike.

 And they also took their turn.

The deco was nice.  The food wasn't.  But that didn't matter much.  We enjoyed window shopping and each other's company.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Pantai Batu Hitam After The Monsoon

Aaahhhh... It was getting better.  The day was right, the weather was right, the mood was right.  So we decided to take Zoey to the beach.  It's really close to our house - the boon of living here.  I simply love it!

Errr... I'm not really sure what Nina was doing lying on the sands. Asha was giving orders to Zoey to put her slippers right there.
Doing the Ulik Mayang, I guess.

Crashing waves.
Asha was again indulging in reading while Papa was done with his mission - taking pictures of himself.
Zoey really enjoyed herself.
Running here and there, really restless.

I told Nina to keep watch while I took pictures.
A mermaid in practice.

Fish-eye effect.  Do fish really see things this way?

One nostalgic shot.

A water-bender in action (again!).

And then she started jogging on the beach under the sun!

Shells - her favourite. 

She wanted a picture of herself too.

And this girl too!  :)

Time to dig the sands.

And found a live creature. 

Another one. 

Papa was resting in the car under the shades. 

Then, we decided to go to Teluk Chempedak for lunch.

A special request to eat here, which I couldn't eat because I was on diet.

 So, a weekend well-spent.  Everybody was happy.  No more complains from Zoey of not going anywhere during the weekend.