Monday, January 6, 2014

Trip To The Beaches in 1 Day! - Part 4

This was somewhere near the Paka town, just before the McDonald's restaurant.  We just followed the sign that pointed towards the beach.  The road was winding with many potholes so it's hard to maneuver the car. But once we're there, oh the view of the sea! These picture don't do justice to the place.

As usual, Meen was the first to get out of the car and off she went!

It was still cloudy. At the horizon on the right, was the YTL Power Station which actually looked like an alien landing station :p Hahaha...

It was REALLY windy!

Asha always takes her time at everything.

The river and the sea.

Asha was throwing a rock and I was able to snap this picture at the right moment.

Meen pun baling batu jugak tapi tak sempat snap.

The dark clouds and a soaring eagle.

Mesti la ada gambaq Mama jugak.

Another shot. Kelam la pulak.

The water in the creek was flowing calmly as compared to the sea.

Time to dust off the rug - sebab tak dak orang kat situ.

I think nobody came to this part of the beach.  It's quite secluded save for the Petronas quarters on the other side of the small creek.  Houses were also quite far from here but there's a small road leading to this site. There's an abandoned farm - looked like horse stables - nearby but quite eerie looking even during the daylight.

We stopped here for not more than 10 minutes because I kept thinking about the abandoned farm and I didn't want to discover any dead bodies. Hahaha...

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