Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Mula-mula Sekali

Mama dah created blog ni since 2009. Tapi kan rasa macam bengong sikit time tu. So, biaaaag ja la sampai lah hari ni. Tetiba terasa nak start balik.

So, kat mana kita nak start? Maybe a lil' bit about us lah kot.

Mama and papa: Kena la bubuh gambag yang romantika d'amor gitu!

Tareeq: The retis in the family *sigh*

Tareena: The brain. It's really hard to find a decent photo of her. Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!

Taqreesa: The artist. She really hopes to marry a rich prince so that she can spend all day drawing. Insyaallah!

Tazmeen: The princess. Well, the name says it all.

So, that's us. Rajin-rajinlah tengok blog mama ni noooo....  Macam-macam cerita mama nak share.

Tata for now!

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