Friday, May 30, 2014

Picnic During The Weekend

Aaahhh... What's more fun than going to a picnic? We get to do this all the time here.  One of our favourite spots is Pantai Batu Hitam.  It's not too far from our house and it's not too commercialized like Cherating - meaning that the beach is still intact and beautiful.

 We were very excited to start our picnic.

 I saw this on the roadside and that was the first I got to know they call Nenas as Pelang here.

 We found a strategic spot - an abandoned food stall.  So we spread the mat and started lunch.

 The chicken was the best - if I may say so myself, hahaha...

 As usual, Zoey insisted to sit between me and Papa.

After lunch, we started venturing the beach.

 Papa ni Puteri Lilin.

This time, it's Asha's job to look after Zoey because Nina decided to laze around with Papa.

 Getting acquainted with the water.

 Asha was teaching Zoey to play with the wave.

 She's playing her way.

Standing vigil for her sister.

And Nina could not keep herself away from the fun anymore.

It's so much fun watching them enjoying themselves.

A stranded dolphin.

Nina was undecided on what to do on the beach.

Gaya A. Mamud from me.

Papa was still trying to stay away from the blaring sun.

The view next to the shelter - a graveyard.

Something came to join us.

That's what they liked to do.

She loves being pampered by Mama.

 Then we saw this car towing a boat!

They moved slowly on the beach and towards the sea.

A few boys were also playing nearby.

They're ready to out to the sea to fish.

We never witnessed the boat being lowered to the water before and this was a new experience.  I even took a video of the action but it's too large to upload here.

So we got to have fun on the beach and also watched these two men preparing to go out to the sea.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Tokwan's And Maktok's Shortlived Move

They're supposed to move here and live with us back in March but something came up that Tokwan had to postpone their plan.  So anyway, they're here in mid-April.

It was a bit difficult for us to adjust to their lifestyle at first because they're not used to eat home-cooked food for a few years now due to their inability to do so.  So Papa had to go out and buy food for them while I cooked for us.  I don't know why they couldn't treat my cooking like bought food. Hee hee hee... It'd be easier, right?

So, anyway, it's good to be able to see them everyday. We tried to accommodate them so that they wouldn't missed their house too much.

Tokwan was quite comfortable here.  He didn't have to do daily chores.  He didn't have to 'run around' buying food and other stuff.  Maktok was having a little issue with the food here.  Of course they're not the same as the ones in Kedah.

This day Nina was going to the Young Scientist Fair and she's very happy to wear the lab coat.

Couldn't wait for Maktok to finish praying.

One of the weekends we took them to eat Roti Canai.

Enjoying the rare occasion of eating out for breakfast.

Maktok was a very good cook.  She's checking my cooking. Aiyoo... Takuts!

And making sure the Apam batter was the right consistency. Gulp!

During the afternoon, they liked to eat some hors d'oeuvres.  It's Cucur Jagung day today.

The house was a little chaotic because we're in the middle of renovating the upper floor to make way for Papa's studio.

That day too, Aunty Khorsiah and her family came to visit us. They brought some Satar which they bought in Kemaman.
We also took Tokwan and Maktok to the famous Ana Ikan Bakar Petai.

 These girls never cease to occupy themselves with something.

Joined in by Zoey.

Checking their selfies.

And became embarassed once realised I was looking.

I think we were listening to Papa saying something.
This girl's hobby is taking pictures of everyone - and of herself. TQ!

She loves Tokwan and Maktok.

Time for another selfie.  Tokwan and Maktok must think we're a crazy bunch. Hahaha...

We also took them to Pantai Sepat.  The keropok lekor there was superb. Sedap!!

Zoey chose ABC.

And Tokwan too.

The food was actually sedap.  We ate Bihun Sup and Bihun Goreng.  Loads of chicken.

Maktok still could not adapt herself to the new situation and wanted to move back to Kedah, much to Tokwan's disappointment. She couldn't adapt to the house, she couldn't adapt to the food, she couldn't adapt to the changed lifestyle.. well, to most of everything.

The morning Papa was to send them home.  We had breakfast together.

Papa bought their favourite Roti Canai here.

It's very sad that they had to leave.


Salam time.

Tokwan and his favourite grandchild.

Yup... It's sad that Maktok really wanted to go home.  If they're here, we get to see them everyday. I don't have to worry about them.  They're only here for 2 weeks.  But I do understand that it's difficult to change especially for old people.  They can come here any time they want.